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Rug Doctor

Rug Doctor

The objective for Rug Doctor’s advertising campaign was to increase individual purchases of the carpet cleaners. The primary target audience for this campaign were homeowners between the of ages thirty-five and fifty-five. A secondary target audience would be landlords of residential property. It was important that narrative persuaded homeowners to for the carpet cleaner to be a part of the household in the same way a vacuum is.

The narrative for the campaign framed the stain as the antagonist. Each headline was used to describe a relatable situation where a removal of the stain created a sense of urgency. A zoomed in view of the stain on the print ads implied that the viewer was close to the stain, as one would have to be in order to clean the stain by hand. This choice in art direction creates a scenario of life without the product to the viewer. A common phrase, “this is why we can’t have nice things” inspired the campaign’s tagline. This phrase is often said when an item within the interior of the home such as furniture is damaged. The tagline presents Rug Doctor’s carpet cleaner as the solution that ensures the homeowner’s ability to have and maintain their ‘nice thing’.